Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Reader Submitted Questions

Hello Makeup Friends,

I often get emails from readers asking me specific questions about makeup application, becoming a makeup artist and requesting certain tips and tutorials. I always try my best to answer back and to also provide a tutorial if one is requested. With that said, I have decided to add a new regular feature to the blog where every couple of weeks I will select one of the Reader-Submitted questions and answer it on a public post so that all of you can benefit from the information.

The question this week is not specifically about makeup, but I thought it was a good question that a lot of you might also want to know the answer to.

Miranda A. from Atlanta, Georgia wants to know:
"I love your blog and all your tutorials and tips. I am not a makeup artist, but I do consider myself a makeup fan and I'm always spending money buying makeup and I spend a lot of time learning about makeup and trying different looks. I'm thinking of starting my own blog to show my daily looks and also to share tips. It will be more for all my family and friends to read.  I want to know if you can give me some advice on starting my own makeup blog, I am nervous about the writing  and would also like to know what mistakes to avoid?..."
Hello Miranda,
 I'm glad you enjoy reading the blog! Since you love makeup so much it's a great idea to start your own blog. I'm sure all your friends always come to you for makeup advice anyway and you never know who else might find your blog and read it.

As far as your question goes, the best thing you can do to start your blog is just go for it! Just write about a cute look you did this week and what inspired you. It should come naturally and organically so  write about whatever you want and once you have that first post, the rest will be a lot easier.

I can't tell you how to write your own blog, because we all have different styles and personalities. I know writing doesn't come easily for everyone, but I'm assuming you like to write and are good at it, otherwise you wouldn't be considering writing a blog.  What I can do is give you some tips on what has worked for me. Here they are:
  •   Always write from the heart. I know this sounds cheesy, but I find that it works for me. I try to write my posts as if I were talking to a friend and that helps keep things fun and not too stiff and serious. We are talking about makeup, not science, so remember to keep it light and personable. 
  • Try to write when you are feeling inspired, don't force it. I like to put on some fun music and light some candles, do my makeup, then start writing on the blog. I have to say, some of my  my most popular posts are the ones I did when I have felt inspired.
  • This is a big one: Under no circumstances should you ever copy information or tips from another website and claim them as your own. I know a lot of newbie bloggers do this, they go to other websites and basically steal the tips and post them as if they wrote it, claiming them as their tips. THIS IS ILLEGAL! Websites use software like Copysentry that specifically looks for plagiarism, and believe me, in time they will find you. Not only can you get in big legal trouble for Plagiarizing, but you can be so easily found out by your readers. Remember all they have to do is copy and paste anything you write and Google it and the originating website will come up exposing you as a liar. Do you imagine how embarrassing and discrediting that is? 
  • So basically, write your own tips! If you are stuck and find that you can't write about a certain topic, then just skip it and write about something else. I know you are more than capable, and trust me, you will feel so proud knowing that everything on your blog came from your mind and was written by you. If you want to use information from another website, make sure to ask for permission first and then make sure you list the source and make it clear you did not write it.  (I know I'm ranting here, but I guess I have huge issues against Plagiarism, since I myself have been a victim of it.)
  • And lastly, always hit that spell check button, because typos can happen to anyone!
Remember writing is about expressing your creativity, so have fun with it and don't see it as a chore. I wish you the best in starting your own blog. Please keep me updated and let me know how it goes. I also want to thank you for giving me permission to use your question for the blog.

Everyone, remember you can submit your questions to!


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