Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hey Blossoms,

I never was much of a fashionista growing up. My style consisted mostly of my shirt matching my shoes and I usually wore blue jeans, dark blue jeans with invisible stitching preferred. As I got older my "style" or lack thereof worsened (in retrospect I never had it to begin with). I used to be a size 0 with abs to die for and so most of my clothing was geared toward showing off those same abs(I am now a PROUD size 9 with a flat stomach sadly my abs are gone forever). LOL. Oh man, the tragedy of a young girl confused. My midriffs and short skirts were far from "attractive", form fitting -YES attractive- DEFINITELY NOT!

Don't even bother asking "Well where were your parents?" We all know as teenagers when we wanted to do something we found a way to do it, with or without permission. I was NOT a "BAD" kid at all. Passed all my classes in H.S, honor roll and honorable mention, even graduated high school early but I wasn't sensible when it came to fashion. I was trying to find myself during those times so my "style" transitioned with current trends, peer pressure, my thoughts, beliefs, morals and priorities. "Being fashionable" is something I still struggle with. Some days are better than others but its FUN now. Challenging myself to go outside of my colorless box. My favorite color (which actually is considered a contrast) is BLACK! (Trust me when I became a MUA I was happy that I already wore the universal colors: ALL BLACK!). My best friend would have to PRY the BLACK dresses, shirts, and shoes out of my hand. To me there was a difference to her it was COLORLESS.

Now years later I understand that the PERSON makes the clothes the clothes DO NOT make the person. With that knowledge regardless of what color I am wearing I'm me and I'm happy! However something great has been happening over the past year. I have gained some understanding of fashion. Enough to revamp my entire "style" and wardrobe and actually be able to find something to wear on an impromptu night out as opposed to running crazily around local shopping areas and mall the DAY OF a night out, date, or special event. Goodness the stories my best friend and I can tell. Now we complain of not knowing what OUTIFT to go with. To think there was time when we had NO options! LOL

I had to give you all a little background before I showered you with the goods. I have stated this before this blog is MY DIARY. It's a manifestation of my journey as a freelance makeup artist, natural hair woman, soon to be esthetician and now a fashion conscious extrovert! So along with my FOTDs(Face of the Days) I will be posting OOTDs(Outfit of the Days).

I recently went out to visit family in another borough. It may have well been another state since it took almost 2 hours to REACH! Thats NYC Public Transit for you! However, I looked on the bright side I felt and looked cute all the way there!

I will post more on what I learned about fashion ESPECIALLY THE MYTHS and the importance of STAPLE PIECES! in a later posts. without further delay (or chatting as you can tell I like to TALK a LOT!) here is my OOTD: BLAZING FIT & FLORAL!

MANIFESTO FLORAL print blouse (I've had it over a 1yr and never wore it before today)
AMBIANCE body-con FITted skirt
FOREVER21 black leggings
ALDO peep toe wedges
RED suede belt with "old gold" stud detailing
RANDOM "old gold" bangle with black engraved detailing
RANDOM "old gold" large teardrop hooped earrings

Sadly I couldn't find my hair accessory when I took these photos but I wore a black lace bow tie hair accessory...(did you notice the BOLD & UNDERLINED words that inspired my title!)

So there it IS! Another thing I learned is that your clothes don't always have to MATCH, as long as the colors are in the same color family (did you notice the varying shade of red between my blouse & my belt) and GUESS WHAT there are NO RULES! IF you do not want to match at all and don't want to wear clothes in the same color family and you prefer CONTRASTING colors then do it! That's actually a trend known as COLOR BLOCKING! Again fashion is what YOU make it so have FUN with it, make the clothes don't let it make you and don't break the bank following trends!

So what's your favorite fashion trend? How would you describe your style? Please comment I'd love to know!

Until Next Time,

Later Blossoms!

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