Friday, February 18, 2011

Reader Submitted Question #2

I finally had time to answer the 2nd reader submitted question. From now on, I will try to answer a reader question at least once a month.
This week we have blog reader Sandra from Weston, Florida.
After meeting you and talking to you about your career when you were doing the makeup for my sister's wedding, I began to follow you and other makeup bloggers and now I'm obsessed with makeup. I'm finishing high school this year, and I really want to become a Makeup Artist. I think I have a talent for it and I just wanted to get some advice. How can I become a successful makeup artist? Any tips?"

Hi Sandra so nice of you to write in. I'm going to try to answer your question to the best of my abilities, but it's important that you also do your research.
The first thing I would say is that you need to practice, practice, practice. On yourself, your friends, your family, basically anyone you can literally get your hands on. I also recommend you start reading some makeup books to become more knowledgeable about the different products and techniques.
Once you are able to, try to attend beauty school for skin care specialist and makeup artistry. I know some may disagree with this, but I believe this will give you the necessary foundation in order to be a great makeup artist. Not to mention you will have an advantage when it comes to getting work on TV and print. If you are unable to attend school for some reason, then in the mean time you can become an assistant to a pro MUA who is willing to teach and train you.
You can also join websites like Model Mayhem were you network with others in the industry, like models and photographers in need of makeup artists. You might be working for free, because that's very common in those sites. Newbies work together in order to get the pictures to put in their portfolios. This is a great way to start getting practice until you start getting paying clients.
I wish you the best and I hope my advice helps you in your journey!

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