Sunday, July 10, 2011


Hey Blossoms,

Blogger wasn't running properly yesterday so I was unable to post. I'm still going strong in Erin's 30 day vlog/blog Challenge. Today is Day 10!

I attended the "Tweet Your Face Off" Event in Brooklyn, NY yesterday at Nasilele Photography Studio hosted by Danielle of

I had so much fun!

During the event we all were tweeting live. Our tweets were being displayed on a huge flat screen. How cool is that. I definitely was "tweeting my face off!" If you'd like to know what was going on and see more twit pics go to hashtag #nasphoto!!

I saw so many blogging lovelies and other social media mavens. We shared laughs, delicious finger foods, wine and lip cocktails from the lip bar! If your wondering what that is, I'll explain. At the lip bar you sat in a comfy makeup artist chair while Danielle expertly applied the lip color of your choice from the newest beauty craze to hit the market, Sleep Lip Pout Lip Tars. These tars are said to rival OCC and may actually be BETTER! *GASP!* I have to definitely try them more to be able to formulate an opinion on my findings between the two.

Awesome giveaways were going on and I won a LUMINESS AIRBRUSH SYSTEM! WOW!  
After your "serving" from the lip bar you were able to have a professional photo taken! I had one taken with my new "pout" and Luminess prize!

Another great moment was when @tyraslilsis showed me how to "smize" (smiling with your eyes). It was hilarious and of course I was terrible at it. She was taught by Smizing Queen : TYRA BANKS. Check out the pictures of true "smizing" below!

Here's the wonderful event captured in photos! Click on the photo to enlarge!

A fellow blogger and @Tyraslilsis (R)

MUAs & Bloggers @MelodyKewl and @MissMerli

I had to capture this vintage cash register!

Sleek Lip cocktails anyone? 

After our "smize" session

MUA & Blogger @thisfancyface

@MissMerli "smizing"

@Tyraslilsis "smizing"

Fellow Bloggers, @MzMore & @ImSoHollywood

@MelodyKewl (smizing) and her Luminess Airbrush system she won!

Danielle, event host & creator of & @MelodyKewl

@Tyraslilsis & @StyleNBeautyDoc

I have on a pretty pink Sleek Lip Pout! LOVE! Thanks @StyleNBeautyDoc!

 Have you ever attended an event that had a Twitter theme?

Until Next Time,

Later Blossoms

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