Monday, May 9, 2011

Giveaway announcement!

Avant Garde Look done by me :)

Hello Makeup Friends,

The website is finally up!!!! There are still some minor tweaks to be done, but I decided to put it live so that you can all see it. I am very proud of the work that I have done through the years and I am happy to now have a website that showcases this. 

We received a lot of entries for the giveaway, but unfortunately a lot of you did not read the instructions, because we got lots of Email entries, but not as many followers. I know a lot of you thought that the colors would be Pink, White and Black, but as you can see I went with a completely different color scheme.

The official Giveaway winner is blog follower Miranda!!! I have the box here ready to go and will be dropping it off at the post office later today. Congratulations!

I want to give a special thanks to Carlos, of  SBM Design Firm for his fabulous work in designing and creating the Adorned Faces website. I recommend them to any of you that are in need of a website or any marketing products.

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