Monday, March 7, 2011

Spring Look- Bright Greens and Blues

Spring is my favorite season, not only because of the weather, but because of the makeup. I love wearing fun colorful makeup looks. With that said, I will be doing a series of spring looks for the blog just in time for all of you to wear them out during the season.

The first look is this bright green and blue look that's a bit dramatic, but remember you can always do the same thing, but tone it down using colors that are not as strong. It honestly took just a few minutes to do the eyes, so keep reading for the instructions. 

See more on this post by clicking "Read More" below!

If you are not into such colorful makeup, don't worry there will be something for you too coming next week, a more subtle take on spring.

Click on for Instructions...

Instructions for the Eyes:
  1. After priming your lid, apply a lime green shadow on the inner half of your lid.
  2. Apply your favorite light and bright blue shadow on the other half extending the color on the crease. Make sure you blend in the color with the green.
  3. Now grab a darker blue color and use to define the outer corner and the crease. (apply this on top of the bright blue you had used on the crease.)
  4. Blend it all so that there are no harsh lines.
  5. Use a liner brush to line the lower lash line following the same color order.
  6. Apply Mascara and you are done with the eyes!

Wasn't that easy and quick?! I hope you have as much fun as I did while wearing this makeup look!


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