Thursday, March 17, 2011


Hey Blossoms,

As you know I'm a Youtuber with a beauty channel and I film my Youtube videos in the comfort of my own home. My biggest enemy at times can be lighting! My home's artificial lighting has a yellow and sometimes orange tint to it which can sometimes wash out the colors in my makeup, especially eyeshadows! I'm always on a hunt for new and improved lighting. I have an arsenal of lighting around the area I film my videos in and although I'm content for now I know it can still be better. So while browsing CSN, which is an online super store, I came across their site dedicated entirely to lighting!!! There is so much to choose from! They even sell vanity tables. some which happen to be best sellers! Of course I had to focus since I was there strictly for lighting (it's quite easy to get distracted with such an array of choices!)

After browsing the site for some time. I came across something I feel will work perfectly. A 40 W Fluorescent bulb! I'm in heaven!! I will be purchasing this bulb and doing a FULL review. I never thought I'd say this about a light bulb but it's beautiful!!!!!! You MUST see for  yourself!!...check out the lighting HERE!

I've used fluorescent lighting before and I find that it's great for providing artificial lighting that mimics daylight. It provides enough powerful lighting without washing out the face! FANTASTIC! So if you are a Youtuber or looking for new lighting in the area where you do your makeup. Stay tuned! I will do a review on this bulb soon! Be sure to just peruse the site and see if you find anything you like or that may suit you. It's super easy to navigate and it has 1,000s of choices. Use the tabs on the side to narrow down your search so that you won't be overwhelmed with choices. I found it easier to search by watts. I knew I couldn't go over 40 W so I searched for all lighting from 40W and below! Good luck!

Be sure to comment below and let me know what you use for lighting? any recommendations? any lighting I should stay away from? What works best for you? Did you find something you like on the CSN site?

Who knew I could get THIS excited about lighting. LOL!

Until Next Time,

Later Blossoms!

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