Monday, January 31, 2011

BLOSSOMING QUESTION OF THE DAY: What Do Makeup Artists Really Do?

Hey Blossoms,

Bringing you a quick post on a question that gets asked a lot and answered but rarely to its entirety and that is 


A makeup artist is A person who's profession and area of expertise is applying makeup onto others. A makeup artist does to a persons face  as a painter does to a canvas thus being considered an artist! Makeup IS art.

Makeup artist are usually easily spotted on a set or at a wedding. They usually wear all black, have on impeccable makeup, brush belt filled with all their necessary tools and maybe even makeup on the back of their hand in various colors like a painters board.

Makeup artist are expected to be able to conceal and cover flawlessly any skin type, skin tone, complexion, blemish, scar, bruise, scratch, acne, hyper pigmentation , birthmark, discoloration, even tattoo! No wonder makeup artist are so sought after at major events! They can enhance ones natural beauty to perfection! There are even special effects makeup artist for those who want to transform into someone or something completely different such ad character makeup like Avatar or a monster like Freddie Kruger or a life size toy like Raggedy Ann doll. It's all possible with MAKEUP!

Makeup isn't just for men or women. Everyone can wear it! The only thing that changes is how much and the products. Many of your favorite men that you see in movies, sitcoms, videos and other television shows wear makeup. Even something as simple as powder to combat shine during filming is considered makeup.

A makeup artist is your very best friend! Trained whether through school or self taught to provide a service solely to make you beautiful and  LOVE what you see in the mirror!

Makeup artists are more than a brush and an eyeshadow. Support your local makeup artists! Read blogs, view youtube beauty channels and interact on their facebook pages. Learn from them and they can learn from you.

Until Next Time,

Later Blossoms!

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